With Visual Basic Applications for Excel Software Available
by James R. Beatty and Jerry T. Edge
Compensation: A Practitioner's Approach is written from the practitioner's
viewpoint, not from a purely academic viewpoint. Our focus is primarily on
the practices and applications. Thus, our intent is to provide a roadmap for
compensation professionals, guiding them in developing and managing
compensation programs for organizations. There are many "how to"
illustrations throughout the book that provide guidance for compensation
analyst and HR managers. After all, the compensation an organization offers
its workforce includes much more than just cash in one's paycheck. Strategic
planning with well-defined approaches, models, and analytics have become
essential to the compensation professional.
The purpose of our book is to provide practitioners with a practical set of
tools and guidelines for compensation management. We have included numerous
Excel formulas, equations, macros, and other software programs that make the
practice of compensation easier and more streamlined. Our Excel software
tools are also available below. We hope you will find the tools
user-friendly and useful in your journey.
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IMPORTANT!!! After purchasing, please click on the "Return to Merchant" button in PayPal to be redirected to download the required order form. Please send the completed order form to info@rmcconsultants.com.