Compensation & Benefits Philosophy & Strategy Development
We lead management through a process that identifies the major issues in a strategy statement and helps them work through those issues to arrive at a definitive strategy.
Domestic Compensation Plans
Domestically, we work with your compensation function and management team to determine the appropriate types of compensation plans that will support your business strategy. Whether you need to focus on base pay, merit plans, skill-based pay plans, incentive plans, broad banding or other reward-based programs, we can provide the support and expertise needed to create result-based solutions.
International Compensation
If you have employees outside the United States, you know they are paid differently than those who are U.S. based. If those employees are local to the foreign operation or are third country nationals, they still need different pay plans. We provide the necessary assistance to make rational and business sense out of these differences.
Internationally, we will assist you in discerning the complex and often confusing foreign compensation plan options. We offer solutions for items such as foreign service, mobility and hardship premiums, completion bonus, tax equalization, tax protection, housing, schooling, transportation and different pay plans. We can also assist you in developing compensation programs for your local national employees.